Korea wants 50% of Vehicles to be Autonomous in 10 Years

The Korean government aims to make Level 4 autonomous driving cars available to the general public as early as 2027, with the goal of having half of all vehicles on the road being self-driving by 2035. This ambitious plan promises numerous benefits to a changing economy. Fully self-driving Level 4 autonomous vehicles (L4 AVs) depend heavily on 5G wireless technology to provide enough bandwidth for their autonomy systems to operate in real-time, allowing them to communicate with other vehicles in advance and avoid crashes while providing a better ride experience.

At NB Embedded, we recognise that this impactful technology will require a confluence of several technology verticals, including robotic autonomy, 5G, Industrial IoT, and AI. We are excited to play a part in discovering the innovative systems that will be needed to help realize this important goal that will shape the future of transportation. Stay at the forefront of these exciting developments by following our updates.

About NB Embedded Pty Ltd

NB Embedded Pty Ltd specialises in smart electronic devices for commercial and industrial organisations in Australia, Europe, and Asia. Based in Brisbane, Australia, we have the expertise to turn your concept into a product ready for the market, enhance your current product range, or provide customised smart devices to improve your internal processes. Contact us for a fixed cost consultation to get practical advice on your project. Talk with us today.