Docker Setup on Fedora Silverblue

Fedora Silverblue offers an immutable desktop experience, making it our current favourite platform for developing software. For the uninitiated, an immutable desktop always has a working installation because changes are committed atomically as an image, rather than pieces of the system being changed independently. This gives the user the ability to manage their operating system much like a Git repository, with commits and reverts.

Containerised development is encouraged by design. For us, each project is a container, be it a Distrobox environment using Podman for the container runtime, or devcontainers run by Docker for remote development.

Silverblue does not ship with Docker by default, and it can be cumbersome for new users to get working properly, so we provide this script to ease setup.

Always read and understand scripts from the internet before running them!

1. Run the script to setup the repositories and install the Docker packages

chmod +x ./
sudo ./

2. Reboot, then run the script again to put your user in the Docker group

systemctl reboot
sudo ./

3. One final reboot

This is usually the simplest way to ensure your user has the required permissions, and all the services are started.

systemctl reboot

Installation complete!

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NB Embedded Pty Ltd specialises in smart electronic devices for commercial and industrial organisations in Australia, Europe, and Asia. Based in Brisbane, Australia, we have the expertise to turn your concept into a product ready for the market, enhance your current product range, or provide customised smart devices to improve your internal processes. Contact us for a fixed cost consultation to get practical advice on your project. Talk with us today.